Before I go into the makeup tutorial of the Defend Innocence Collection, here are some scary statistics:
1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. That’s an average of 1 in 5 children.
90% of them know their abuser. 60% will never tell. It’s up to us to #StartDefending.
What is Defend Innocence?
Defend Innocence is part of the Younique Foundation to educate and inform about the reality of childhood sexual abuse and helps parents know how to talk to their kids and have the kids watch out for.
These special edition products are made specifically to keep Defend Innocence in mind and help with the cause.
Defend Innocence Collection Tutorial
The collection for August also comes with Splurge cream eye shadow in Hopeful, Precision liner pencil in Purposeful and Opulence lipstick in Sitting Pretty. These are some of my favorite new colors! Here is a video tutorial I did on some fun ways to use these products- some are unexpected and not their everyday use!

Younique triples the donations made by the general public to go towards the education programs in schools and a retreat for women healing from childhood sexual abuse. This collection helps fund the foundation and also when you purchase ANYTHING on my website, you can Round Up your purchase to the nearest dollar. The average donation is $.19, which sounds small, but they bring in an average of $40,000 a month this way!

Watch the makeup tutorial video to see me use the Splurge cream eye shadow for more than just eye shadow. And the Precision pencil as an eye liner and also to make an ombre lip.
Thank you for your support of the Younique Foundation and Defend Innocence. I love that this is part of the mission of the company and every bit helps! Always remember to Round Up! Shop Younique online

[…] There are 3 products that directly go to fund the Foundation. A glimmering pink cream eye shadow called “Hopeful”, eyeliner called “Purposeful” and lip stick called “Sitting Pretty”. I introduced and demonstrated these products on video in the August 2016 Kudos post. […]